
Katie Gleeson

Meet Katie Gleeson, a creator documenting life on her family dairy farm in Tipperary with her husband and three children. Katie's passions for farming and creativity extend beyond the farm gate with her "Katie in the Country" column for the Tipperary Star newspaper and working successfully with businesses and organisations on their social media content. 

She is currently studying for a BSc in Agricultural Science and Sustainability which focuses heavily on the environmental and sustainable development of Irish Agriculture. Katie is an active member of Dairy Women Ireland and part of their North Munster leadership team.

Katie is involved in the "Community Climate Coaches" a pioneering government-funded project in Tipperary, addressing climate issues on a local level. She's also a creative farm Ambassador for the 2024/2025 Field Exchange programme, collaborating on solutions for challenges faced by rural communities in a changing climate. Katie is on a journey where farming, community, sustainability, creativity and craic intersect.